Pleasant Grove Jr Eagles Football and Cheer

2025 Board Application


2025/2026 Board Application

The PGJE founding board is committed to the creation of a football and cheer program that is integrated with Pleasant Grove High School and is both rewarding and enriching for the players, cheer squad, coaches, parents, and families while creating a sense of community and tradition that will ultimately enhance the overall high school experience at Pleasant Grove High School (PGHS).  We want to build a love for the game.

The Board consist of an Executive Board of Directors (EBOD) and a Board of Directors (BOD). The EBOD members shall serve a term of two years. Terms will be staggered to ensure there will not be a full turnover of EBOD members in any given year. EBOD members will be voted/elected for the ensuing season during the Annual General Meeting scheduled in January each year. The BOD members will service a one-year term and be voted/elected by the EBOD annually.

Executive Board of Directors:

President: Oversee all PGJE operations and functions. Oversee all board and non-board positions, assuring all board members are accountable and handling their respective duties. Responsible for overseeing all 1nancial decisions. Responsible for running board meetings. Responsible for maintaining positive working relationship with Albiani, PGHS and Sheldon HS. Responsible for attending SYF meetings and reporting back to board members. Attend PGJE activities and events. Approve all mass communications. Mediate any issues not resolved at lower level of organization. Responsible for complete knowledge of all organization by-laws Responsible for all information regarding SYF Shrine Bowl and All-Star Games. Perform other duties as needed.

Vice President: If President is unable to attend a board meeting, VP is responsible for running meeting. Attend board meetings. Assist President as needed. Work with the Executive Board and manage the master calendar. Assisting President with day-to-day activity on the practice 1eld as needed. Work with Merchandise Coordinator to approve and/or design spirit wear. Manage photo website with team photographers. Plan end of the year celebration, including ordering any trophies, awards or recognition items for teams and coaches. Oversee fundraising activities. Responsible for all aspects for home game set up. Perform other duties as needed

Secretary: Responsible for the preparation of creating agendas for Board meetings. Responsible for Board communication regarding meeting date and agenda items. Responsible for emailing reminders of board meetings as well as   up-coming   agenda   items   with   requests   of   any   additions needed for new business one week in advance. Responsible for compiling and editing Board meeting minutes. Responsible for all PGJE mass communication. Responsible for all communication related to facility contracts regarding field and various facility uses. Responsible for direct communication with web designer regarding all changes, updates and basic information. Responsible to maintain all information publicized through local newspapers and internet communication. Responsible for notification to all publications regarding Board member/Chair Position changes i.e. web site and Facebook. Responsible for communication with photography company in order to set up PGJE picture day. Send welcome letter for all home games to visiting programs. Attend PGJE activities and events. Attend board meetings. Perform other duties as needed.

Treasurer: Responsible for PGJE bank account. Responsible for maintaining current non-profit status with the State of California and the IRS. Responsible for monthly 1nancial reports which are available to the organization upon request. Financial report will include full disclosure of all monthly deposits, reimbursements, and various payments. Responsible for payment and processing of taxes. Responsible for payment and renewal of insurance. Responsible for payment of 1eld usage. Responsible of all payments with regard to Registration. Responsible for deposits checks made to PGJE. Responsible for all reimbursements. Responsible for all external vendor payments. Responsible for contacting those who may have submitted NSF check. Responsible for communicating with the Registrar in regard to any outstanding registration fees. Responsible for communicating with Fundraising Chair regarding payment for sponsorships. Attend board meetings. Attend PGJE activities and events. Supervise the Snack Shack Coordinator. Work with Game Day Coordinator at home games, ensuring cash is available at the beginning of each game, and collecting all monies at the end of the day. Perform other duties as needed.

Board of Directors:

Cheer Director: Ensure the continuity, consistency and smooth functioning of PGJE’s cheer program. Responsible for all SYF meetings regarding rules, regulations, and dates pertaining to cheer. Responsible for the creation of Cheer Calendar (to be established with head cheer coaches) and timely noti1cation to Board so that it can be given to Secretary for publication. Responsible for direct communication with each head cheer coach regarding all SYF requirements and rules, dates, practices and competition information and scheduling. Responsible for maintaining a manageable budget which is approved by the Board. Responsible for meeting with PGHS Cheer Coach to set forth equipment/apparel guidelines for each the season. Work with Fundraising Coordinator to oversees all fundraising that pertains speci1cally to cheer. Responsible for all veri1cation of high school volunteer hours (with head coach approval). Responsible for noti1cation of choices for SYF Shrine Bowl Cheerleaders which are voted on by Head 14U Cheer Coach and assistant 14U Coaches. Responsible for noti1cation of all information regarding SYF Shrine Bowl events and practices. Responsible for direct communication with the PGHS Cheerleading Coaches. Responsible for the recruitment of head cheer coaching positions availability as well as the noti1cation to parents. Responsible for running consistent head coaches’ meetings to discuss badging, certi1cation, SYF requirements, practice schedules, routines etc. Attend board meetings. Attend PGJE activities and events. Perform other duties as needed

Football Director: Ensure the continuity, consistency and smooth functioning of PGJE’s football program. Responsible for all SYF meetings pertaining to coaches. Responsible for maintaining communication with PGHS Football Coach and Athletic Director on all football issues. Responsible for noti1cation to all head/assistant coaches for certi1cation dates, badge dates and clinics. Responsible for direct communication with all coaches/assistant coaches regarding SYF requirements as well as PGHS coaching expectations. Responsible for meeting with PGHS Head Varsity Coach to set forth equipment/apparel guidelines for each the season. Responsible for direct input and recruitment (if needed) regarding the selection of head coaches and assistant coaches. Work directly with all coaches, scheduling coaching clinics during the off season. Responsible for post-mortem meeting to review coaching technique. Responsible for noti1cation of choices for SYF Shrine Bowl football players which are voted on by head 14U coach and assistant 14U coaches. Work with PGHS on scheduling summer camps. Work with the registrar on any registration issues. Attend board meetings. Attend PGJE activities and events. Perform other duties as needed.

Registrar: Responsible for compiling a calendar of events regarding walk up registration dates, registration deadlines, back to school dates for all elementary schools within the PGJE boundary. Responsible for all information that is needed for Secretary to publish to various communication venues. Responsible for all communication with every player/cheerleader (parent/guardian) in order to compile completed registration packets. Responsible for distribution of funds. Registration fees to Treasurer and Volunteer Deposits to Volunteer Coordinator. Responsible for all publication needed for the completion of a registration packet. Responsible for retaining PGJE mail and distributed to the appropriate board member. Responsible for maintaining updated rosters to each Head Coach and all Board Members. Responsible for maintaining a list of updated SYF registration requirements which must be communicated to the Secretary for publication and Board members. Responsible for facilitating anal walk up registration at kick-off meeting. Responsible for photos of each participant for Player Card. Responsible for creation of Player Card and the completion of each registration packet which is put into he appropriate Team Binders. Responsible for facilitation of Certification as well as notification to each Head Coach of any re-certi1cations needed. Attend board meetings. Attend PGJE activities and events. Perform other duties as needed.

Equipment Manager: Responsible for maintaining an accurate amount of equipment. Responsible for communicating with all head coaches regarding appropriate sizing of each player. Responsible for ordering appropriate number of stickers of helmets (keeping-in-mind the additional sheets of eagle stickers needed for Shrine players). Responsible for distribution of all equipment and collection of equipment deposits checks. Responsible for holding checks until the end of the season. Responsible for setting up Equipment Return Date (working with Volunteer Coordinator to implement volunteers). Responsible to set Date to be advertised regarding equipment distribution, return and location. Responsible for maintaining security regarding equipment storage (no player shall be permitted to enter the storage containers to retain equipment. Responsible for ordering extra chin straps, pads, belts, mouth guards and 1rst aid equipment, water jugs, water bottles, etc. Responsible for any football equipment needed to be ordered and stored, i.e. balls, helmet caps, cones etc. working directly with coaches. Responsible for working with the Cheer Director in regard to storage of any cheer equipment. Responsible for the annual recerti1cation of all football helmets. All uniform and equipment purchases must be approved by the Board prior to purchase. Attend board meetings. Attend PGJE activities and events. Perform other duties as needed.

Snack Bar Coordinator: Manage all aspects of the snack shack for all home games. Arrive early on home game days to ensure proper set up of snack shack. Purchase all items for the snack shack. Try and find donations from local companies to off-set costs. Work on a menu that will be profitable for PGJE. Price items accordingly to ensure profit, without being too expensive. Maintain proper inventory of items needed to run shack. Work with other board members to assist and organize any special events (Weenie Roast). Work with Volunteer Coordinator and Game Day Coordinator to determine the proper number of volunteers necessary to operate the snack shack. Have ice on hand to keep water jugs on field full. Create signage listing pricing of items for sale. At the end of the day, be on hand to remove items from snack shack and clean up. Work closely with the Game Day Coordinator in regard to the PGJE trailer inventory and storage. Attend meetings. Attend PGJE activities and events. Perform other duties as needed.

Volunteer Coordinator: Responsible for maintaining an accurate list of all players with a current tally of required volunteer hours. Responsible for holding all volunteer checks until the conclusion of the season where they are to be redistributed or handed over to the Treasurer. Manage volunteer website. Work closely with Game Day Coordinator, Fundraising Coordinator and Merchandise Coordinator to ensure tasks are covered. Schedule away game chain gang assignments. Work with other board members and coaches to be sure any volunteer tasks are filled. After team rosters are set, find a team mom for each team and advise of responsibilities. Follow up throughout the season to ensure smooth transfer of information. Attend board meetings. Attend PGJE activities and events. Perform other duties as needed.

Fundraising Coordinator: Responsible for all fundraising events and on-going fundraising activities. Responsible for proposing all fundraising ideas to the board before implementation. Responsible for all fundraising events – ex: Crab Feed. Responsible for recruiting new and returning sponsors as well as implementing a list of bene1ts included (to be approved by the Board prior to advertising). Work closely with the Merchandise Coordinator on spirit wear, setting up tables at practices and home games. Attend board meetings. Attend PGJE activities and events Perform other duties as needed.

Merchandising Coordinator: Works directly with VP on design and style of spirit wear. Work with the Football Director on necessary attire for coaching staff. Manage inventory and ordering of all merchandise for sale – including, but not limited to t-shirts, hats, sweatshirts, and novelty items. Work with Fundraising Coordinator to assist with efforts to benefit PGJE. Work with Game Day Coordinator and Volunteer Coordinator to assure all needs are met. Attend board meeting.



If you have any questions, please email